
Showing posts from February, 2013

"To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine"

When people point out our mistakes, we usually feel insecure, hurt, angry and offended. We feel uncomfortable when we are faced with the truth and we usually react by pointing back the person's faults, we become defensive and we try to justify ourselves. It's quite natural actually. It's very human of us to react that way because we are made in God's image, meaning perfection. We are suppose to be perfect. However, in our fallen nature and world, we feel ashamed and hurt, feeling exposed when our pride has been torn down.  This is the cause of sin (our mistakes). Sin leaves us feeling ashamed, useless, hopeless, or in other cases, builds our ego higher because we don't want to admit our faults and we stick so strongly with our opinion. In another sense, to admit  our mistakes means to throw in the towel, to admit defeat, to lose face, to show weakness and also we feel embarrassed to do so. It's only with God's grace that we are able to be humble e