
Showing posts from 2012

Cookie For One

Have you ever eaten alone? If you have, how did it feel like? What were you experiencing or even thinking the whole time you were eating for one? Well, I had lunch for one last week and it was something different. I started out scanning for food to eat and thinking what I felt like eating that day. Surprisingly, I ended up with a big Cookie...or as I called it a 'Cookie Monster'. I found a place to seat and waited patiently for my cookie to be heated up by one of the workers at the counter. As I sat there, I started to ponder on things that were going on in my life. "Where am I at this moment? Am I happy? Do I feel lonely at this point? What's next in my life? Where's my destination?" So many life questions… Before I could answer myself, my cookie came. Yeay! My first thought was “Wow…it’s so big. Okay...where do I start?” I probably stared at the cookie for more than 30 seconds before I decided to halve it. That’s done. Now what? I slowly ate t

Watermark Designs

Sample 1 Picture 1 Hey guys, here are a few Watermarks that I have designed. Haha...okay...modified. All the designs were cut and some were stretched so it won't look like the original. (Except S3). Had a hard time trying to figure out how to modify that one.  The one in Sample 1 (S2) is the same one from my previous post. The one below it (S4) is actually a combination of 4 duplicates of the same pattern. It almost looks butterfly-like. I had a dilemma in choosing which watermark is the better one. It was between S1 and S4. How it comes out when placed in the picture (P2 and P4) is very clean, simple and the wordings are more visible (readable).  Hehe... I can use a couple of feedback or suggestions. Either that or you guys will see which of these designs will be used in my next post. =P

Watermark Me!

Hey all, this is my latest production. Found this floral frame online and modified it to fit my name in it. I'm experimenting with various types of watermark for my pictures. Hehe... For now I will be using this watermark until further notice. So stay tuned for the latest update! =D

Yoyo Café - Farewell Jojo

These pictures were taken earlier this year. It was some small gathering to bid farewell to our friend Josephine who was going to fly off to KL for her industrial training. All of the people you see in the picture are from Lifeline. (Will explain further on this) By the way, Josephine will be coming back in a few months time. =)


I've been wanting  to post my drawings up for quite awhile. Okay...maybe a bit too long. Finally got off my bum and 'framed' it up nicely to post it on my blog site. I drew these pictures for some time now. can even see the date on the second picture. Will be uploading a few more pictures soon....

Be Thankful

Hey all, I'm back with a new blog name! I know that my previous blog was somehow accidentally deleted by me. So I am starting afresh. I edited the picture above because the words really means something to me and decided to post this up as my first post. Reason: Simple. Being Thankful. So, this is me being thankful for everything in life. =D ('Be Thankful' - Unknown Author)