Detoxing my mind: Is blogging the solution?
We are still in the midst of our MCO 3.0... it is really making me slowly mad.
It seems that I am in need of a good mind detoxing.
I have been wondering aimlessly for awhile now thinking of how what is the next thing I should be doing. Haven't been moving since I have been busy drowning my brain in useless advertisements and distractions with social media. It's as if I can't let myself just for one second ignore opening any of these apps. My company has been generous enough in figuring out ways to keep us motivated during these lockdown times. But it has been a struggle for me to even focus on the simplest or less boring online zoom sessions with my colleagues. I'm guessing my brain is now addicted to social media as a means to just keep myself distracted with just scrolling through posts on Facebook or Instagram for no good reason.
Do you know how much info or should I say useless junk, that your brain continues to absorb while just being online? I've realized it for sometime now that I need to keep myself off from social media just for a bit so that I can re-calibrate my thinking. I'm serious... I have gone to the point I can't even journal properly. I really can't think and focus on anything more than a solid 10 mins. I know that I need to detox my thoughts. But I have not been able to find an avenue to do so. If I post some random or maybe some good post on FB, you bet your money that it will attract useless comments and likes that further affects me emotionally.
My mind has been loaded with tons of information that I don't even know how to even start using the information that I have learned. It just makes me feel so arrgghh... annoyed? Frustrated. Cause you know you have good stuff but application of what you learned is another thing. So before you even learn to apply and get it right, another load of information is being presented to you. How would a mind not get overloaded? Therefore, I need a way to manage my thinking and organize my thoughts. Doodling and journaling hasn't been helping much. As I am a paper & pen person, I figured that would be my go-to solution when I need time to reset myself.
I think one of the effects of me not resetting my mind well is the result of shopping unnecessarily. I'm telling you, I have been going about like this for the past few months and it only hit me today that this habit is weird. Why am I buying things that I already have or don't need. I thought it might be me being stressed out of being at home for too long and need a change of 'view' and probably some walking would do me some good. It was at first something I thought I would do because of stress but today somehow I didn't feel that it was because of stress, but I think it could be a reaction of me not being able to do something with my hands because everything is stuck in my mind. When I shop, I noticed that I take a long time to just wander about comparing products, even to the point of googling product information and ingredients, as if I really need to get stuff for myself. Now you know how easy my money disappears.
SO... I'm trying out this blogging thing to see how it works out for my thoughts. I never intended to create a blog for the purpose it was created. I figured I exist this site for me to put some interesting stories I have or to put some creative writing but never about my own thoughts. Who knows how this might help my thoughts. It could be a temporary thing and I might just forget about it again after 1 or 2 posts. But desperate minds require a new type of solution. Plus, I think this is much safer to let out your thoughts in places like this without all the unwanted 'interactions' we get these days from other social media platforms. (You can't say anything without creating teams: Team For-you, Team Against-you, Team Just-eating-popcorn and enjoying these 2 teams fight each other.) *roll eyes*
Who says talking to yourself means you are crazy? I think you'd end up being crazy if you keep stuff to yourself.
By the way, I don't expect to have an audience for this site but if you do happen to drop by and are reading this... Well, hello from the other side. =)
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